Every day we are bombarded by images, stereotypes, and teachings about what it means to be a godly woman. Every message from every source varies, and we are left all the more confused as to what Biblical womanhood actually is. 

That is where the Womanhood by God's Design email course comes in! In this free 7 day course, Rebekah Hargraves walks you through the Word of God not only helping you to see the picture of true Biblical womanhood which the Word actually portrays, but also equipping you to spot the counterfeit versions and refute them.

During this course you will study:

Day 1 - Two Extremes: This portion of the course centers around the extreme views out there today of what constitutes as Biblical womanhood. Covering why neither one is truly Biblical and why both are actually harmful, this is a study not to be missed.

Day 2 - Our Ezer Design: In order to understand what the Biblically balanced view of womanhood is (since we saw the day before that the extremes aren't helping!), we will travel all the way back to the book of Genesis on this day of the study. We'll be looking at the Hebrew word "ezer" translated as "helper" in Genesis 2:18 and study the implications of it for our design and calling as women.

Day 3 - Biblical Womanhood for All Women: This day of the study contains a survey of both the Old and New Testaments to provide us a glimpse of all the many examples of godly women in the Word who were living out Biblical womanhood as God designed it. We'll see that Biblical womanhood is not something only the wives and mothers of the world can live out. Rather, it is applicable and relevant to the young and the old, the married and the single, the mothers and the childless. This portion of the course is full of hope for our single sisters who all too often feel left out of the discussion when Biblical womanhood is being taught.

Day 4 - No "One-Size-Fits-All" Model: On this day of our course time together we will see that the Word does not provide us with a cookie cutter image of how we are to dress, speak, sit, and act as Biblical women. We will tackle some of the passages used to bind women into one-size-fits-all-programs and see what those passages are actually teaching.

Day 5 - Brothers and Sisters: One of the adverse ramifications of the extreme views regarding Biblical womanhood that we look at on day 1 is that they are lending themselves to the "war between the sexes" that is all too common in our day. But God has something infinitely better for us, and that is His familial design for interactions between men and women. We are to be brothers and sisters in Christ, daily seeking to support, encourage, strengthen, lift up, respect, and serve one another. 

Day 6 - Characteristics of a Godly Woman: In this portion of the course we will be looking at a list of 14 characteristics of a godly woman. But what is on this list may surprise you. The list is not limited to solely the characteristics assigned to women in many of the "Biblical womanhood" books out there - characteristics like meek and quiet, submissive, and respectful (though we do address those!). We also consider how the Word calls women to be strong and courageous, as well, and to also take on each of the fruits of the Spirit just as men should. The reality is that these characteristics in this list are to not merely apply to women, but really to men in general, as well, because our ultimate example, Christ, lived out each one.

Day 7 - What's at Stake (i.e. God's Character): On day 7 we answer the question, "What's the big deal? Why are we studying this topic?", and see that it is the very picture and nature of God Himself which we are presenting to the world which is at stake here when we proclaim His design for women. If we are faulty in our message, our witness is at stake. Studying Biblical womanhood, therefore, is of no small importance. It's crucial that we come to a Biblically balanced understanding of these issues.

Bonus Day - Where do We Go From Here?: The ecourse ends with a bonus email containing a recap of all we learned throughout our week together and also an answer to the question, "Where do we go from here?". There is also a special announcement in this email regarding a full-length course that will be available and info on how you can get it for $10 off as a result of being a graduate of this course.

I am really excited about this ecourse, and hope you'll sign up to join me as we travel through God's Word together to discover the beautiful, impactful, fulfilling, freeing, diverse design for Biblical womanhood that has been provided to us by a loving, all-wise Father. Sign up below; this is going to be great!

~Rebekah Hargraves
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